The Final Episode of Season One with Dr. Jody Carrington

Finish off Season One of Character Speaks through the beating heart and beautiful lens of the incredibly passionate child psychologist, author, wife and mom, Dr. Jody Carrington. Listen in as she honors the holy work, what educators get to do every day as they hold the hearts of our children; don’t miss her coaching tips […]

Making the World a Better Place One Core-Value at a Time with Gary Smit

Today’s guest, veteran Superintendent Gary Smit, has been intentionally building character for more than twenty years since his district in Illinois first discovered the Character Counts! framework in 1997. Now, though retired from the public school system himself, Gary is still out in the world living his deep-purpose why, to make the world a better […]

“Kindness Cape” Classroom Rituals with Laurie McIntosh

Prepare to be supercharged by kindness warrior Laurie McIntosh, a passionate Kindergarten teacher in Canada, as she shares how she and her students spread kindness through classroom rituals like Kindness Capes, the DNA project, WIN {What I Need} time and more. Check out our sponsor:

The Secrets Behind Bethany Hill’s “why” and Inspiring a Culture of Yes

Today we welcome Lead Learner Bethany Hill from Cabot, Arkansas, who shares the secrets behind what has fueled her why to inspire a Culture of Yes in her character building as well as her #JoyfulLeaders sunshine campaign globally through two decades as an edu-hero and leader. Check out our sponsors:

Planting Seeds of Resilience for a Harvest of Greatness with Kristina Rentz

Canadian Assistant Principal Kristina Rentz steps out of her comfort zone and shares how her farming roots have shaped her leadership journey. Take note as she explains how and why she’s still planting seeds to promote resilience and relationships so her harvest will reap greatness and grit every day.

Being Compassionate to Others, & Ourselves with Morganne Michael

Elementary educator, blogger, and host of the Kindsight 101 podcast, Morgane Michael shares a wealth of information on how to create and model kindness for those around us. Listen in as she challenges us to ask the question, “What would you tell a friend to do?” to help us not only be compassionate toward others, […]

Kindness Crusades & Picture Books with Roman Nowak

In this episode of Character Speaks, Canadian teacher Roman Nowak discusses the why behind his kindness crusade and how he’ll use picture books to engage and grow his high school students this year. Check out our sponsor:

Episode 3 – Allyson Apsey

Listen in as Allyson Apsey talks about how she leads and grows alongside of her school family at Quincy Elementary by focusing on a caring climate, choices, and character development. Savor every second as she shares her story about authoring The Path To Serendipity and encourages you to forge and follow your own path. Check […]

Kids Story Books in English

We’ve compiled a list of the best character education books for elementary school students and kids story books in english. What was one of your favorite times of the school day as an elementary student? For many, story time is likely pretty close to the top of the list. While entertaining and enjoyable to read […]