Chatting with 7th-Grade Podcasting Heroes Taya & Macey

Listen in as these 7th-grade podcasters, who’ve interviewed giants in the field of SEL like Dr. Michele Borba, Dave Burgess, Sean Covey, and James C. Hunter, share the story behind their experience on the air chatting with these edu-heroes. Find out why their counselor, Mr. Appel, has made it his mission to amplify student voice […]

The Final Episode of Season One with Dr. Jody Carrington

Finish off Season One of Character Speaks through the beating heart and beautiful lens of the incredibly passionate child psychologist, author, wife and mom, Dr. Jody Carrington. Listen in as she honors the holy work, what educators get to do every day as they hold the hearts of our children; don’t miss her coaching tips […]

Camp, Core Values, & The {Heart} Work with John Norlin

Meet nationally-recognized transformational speaker John Norlin, a passionate co-founder of Character Strong, a servant leader, and an expert in the {heart} work of character development, leadership, and social emotional learning; prepare to workout with us as we talk about connections, core values, critical feedback and Camp. Check out our sponsors:

Infusing Brain Science and Daily Rituals with Lisa King

Tune in this week to hear Lisa King, school counselor and author of Mindset Matters, talk about the importance of infusing her passion, growth mindset and brain science, into daily rituals, habits and routines in your character building. Check out our sponsor:

Valuing Empowerment Over Excuses with Meghan Kestner

What if we valued and focused on empowerment over excuses, not just for our students with special needs, but for all students? Tune in today to hear secondary educator Meghan Kestner’s ideas and feel her passion for #nomorelabels as she individualizes for her students of promise. Check out our sponsor:

Sparking a #PassionforKindness with Tamara Letter

In today’s episode, technologist , writer, and kindness advocate Tamara Letter shares how she engages her students and sparks their #passionforkindness using ordinary things like rocks, journals and some seed money to do extraordinary things. Check out our sponsor:

Making the World a Better Place One Core-Value at a Time with Gary Smit

Today’s guest, veteran Superintendent Gary Smit, has been intentionally building character for more than twenty years since his district in Illinois first discovered the Character Counts! framework in 1997. Now, though retired from the public school system himself, Gary is still out in the world living his deep-purpose why, to make the world a better […]

Planting Seeds of Hope with Keri Wilt (and her great great grandmother)

Shhhhhh; today’s guest has a secret. Tune in as motivational speaker and author Keri Wilt shares not only the bounty of her own life’s harvest, but also who her great great grandmother, Frances, was and how a lovely lady she never even met continues to positively plant seeds of hope in her garden. Check out […]

“Kindness Cape” Classroom Rituals with Laurie McIntosh

Prepare to be supercharged by kindness warrior Laurie McIntosh, a passionate Kindergarten teacher in Canada, as she shares how she and her students spread kindness through classroom rituals like Kindness Capes, the DNA project, WIN {What I Need} time and more. Check out our sponsor: