Episode 3 – Allyson Apsey
Listen in as Allyson Apsey talks about how she leads and grows alongside of her school family at Quincy Elementary by focusing on a caring climate, choices, and character development. Savor every second as she shares her story about authoring The Path To Serendipity and encourages you to forge and follow your own path. Check […]
Episode 2 – Houston Kraft
Today’s visit features a co-founder of Character Strong, Houston Kraft; prepare to be inspired by this nationally-and-internationally known kindness crusader. Listen in to find out why Houston believes that people struggle with making kindness normal, and walk away empowered and ready change all of that as we all warm the world, one kind act at a time.
Episode 1 – Amanda Symmes
Barbara Gruener interviews Amanda Symmes, a school adjustment counselor, about relationships, bullying, and education.